Repentance and forgiveness has been on my mind for quite some time. I feel urged to write about my experiences with repentance, and feeling forgiveness. Everyone who has inhabited this earth has sinned or made mistakes. Some mistakes or sins are larger than others, and some are small, but we all make mistakes. When we use our agency to make decisions, we have the opportunity to learn and grow, or to be careless and fall. When we make a decision there is always a consequence, whether it be good or bad.
For example, driving over the speed limit may have an effect on the cause. Cause; You, overlooking the speed limit and becoming vulnerable to the law. Effect; You then have to face the consequence of paying for an unwanted ticket
We've all gone through those routines in our daily lives. We see the effects of wrong choices everyday in our small world. When we make wrong choices, we have a guilt or sorrow weighing on our shoulders, which has a negative effect on us throughout our days, weeks and unfortunately, months. It can drag us down. Fortunately we have the Savior to help us make it through and obtain forgiveness.
A few months ago I had made some "Mistakes" in which brought me grief and pain. There was a person who I needed to seek and ask for forgiveness. I had talked with our Heavenly father about the situation and required of him what I should do. Like any father would say, he told me to give up my sin and confess so I may continue my life with no hinderment.
As months went on, I procrastinated the time to ask for sincere forgiveness. The thought of what I had done kept creeping into my mind. What does the Savior think? What does he expect of me? I came to the conclusion that I needed to give up my fear and confess what I had done wrong. I gave the person a call and talked with him for a time. We counseled with each other and it became a learning experience. Everything is OK, and now I feel good, released, and a weight lifted off of me. I could feel Christ working his miracle in my life.
Do not wait to use our loving Savior, to take us in his arms, to release the bitter pain of regret.
“Do not endeavor to excuse yourself in the least point."
"For most, repentance is more a journey than a one-time event. It is not easy. To change is difficult. It requires running into the wind, swimming upstream. Jesus said, “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me.” Repentance is turning away from some things, such as dishonesty, pride, anger, and impure thoughts, and turning toward other things, such as kindness, unselfishness, patience, and spirituality. It is “re-turning” toward God."
Let us take up his cross, give up our pride and look towards the love of God to help us in our lives. Do what is right, keep the commandments and love thy neighbor as thy self. When we feel fear of confessing, or repenting to Heavenly father, remember fear doesn't come from God. He(Satan) doesn't want you to become free from sin, he wants you feel like your at a dead end. In my case I felt I was at a dead end, he held me down only for a time. The Savior will show you the path.
He said, "will ye not now return unto me,
and repent of your sins, and be converted, that I may heal you?
Let him heal you, like he healed me. I know through the power of repentance and forgiveness we can be free from burden. We can become clean through him, who makes sins which are scarlet, as white snow. Become free through him who forgives.
What does Christ expect of you? How can you change for him?