To bring the world His truth
To spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to all those who will recieve his message.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
My name is Elder Thompson. Elder Wright asked me to write a blog for him, so I will attempt to say something of worth. I am a new missionary in the Santa Rosa Mission. I have been out for about ten weeks, and am serving in Davis. I want to share something that I don't talk about casually, this experience is personal and I am hesitant to put it on the Internet but the spirit is prompting me to do so. The day before my graduation I went to a lot of parties held by my friends. At each party they served pulled pork sandwiches, hot dogs, brats, and hamburgers. I went to four different parties and at each party I ate pulled pork sandwiches, hot dogs, brats, and hamburgers. By the next day I had food poisoning. The day I was supposed to walk across the stage and receive my diploma. My grandparents and flown in from Oregon to Wisconsin to watch the event; however, I could not stand without the feeling that I would feint. I was nauseous and was in no condition to go to my graduation. I was very sad, but took courage at the impression that I should ask for a priesthood blessing. I went downstairs and asked my father and grandpa to give it to me. As soon as my grandpa put his hands on my head and began to talk the Holy Ghost filled my entire body, I could not control my emotions and began to sob. Never have I felt the spirit so strong, I felt like I had been completely united with the spirit. It filled me from head to toe. As the spirit entered into my body I felt so much peace, strength, and power, I also felt my nausea and dissy head disappear. As the blessing came to a close the overwhelming spirit started to fade, but as it did my feelings of sickness had not returned. I had been healed by the priesthood, the power of God. I imagine that I felt as the people in the Bible felt when Jesus Christ healed them. Through the prophet Joseph Smith that priesthood was restored to the Earth, it was as if the Lord himself was laying his hands on me when my father and Grandpa gave me that blessing. I testify that the Gospel has been restored in its fullness. The true Gospel of Jesus Christ is there for anyone that will reach out to it. True happiness only comes from this Gospel, and Heavenly Father is waiting to give it to you if you will exercise your faith and come unto him through his servants, prayer, and scripture. I testify that these things are true, and that anyone can come to know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the true church once again restored to the earth through the Book of Mormon and prayer and I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Never Lose Hope
Last Saturday Elder Thompson and I were visiting people in the city of Davis where we are now serving. Davis is a small town with a UC not to far from where we work.
It was growing late in the evening, close to our time to head in, and were visiting some people who were potentially interested in learning about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As we were walking to the door I noticed a man with a large Jack Daniels liquor bottle in His hand, pouring himself a cup. We knew this apartment was the correct location of the specific individual who had requested missionaries. Our confidence quickly shot down, pondering and judging the men who were behind the door to be unstable, and undoubtedly uninterested.
So with willingness and determination, we knocked and without 5 seconds a man answers the door with his cup in his hand and a big smile on his face. His name was Ron and was the one who we were looking for . He asked some questions with a slur, and found himself getting carried away in his laughter. As we carried our conversation, His roommate, John, came running in from behind him. He was a taller Asian man with a smile from ear to ear, curious, and hand signaled us into his small apartment. It was coming close to our hour and we thankfully offered another appointment.
This man and his friend surfaced many deep concerns regarding questions of their souls. John mentioned he had a wife and two beautiful children who lived far away east. A place where work was difficult to find and a decent education was in drought. He said, "I have a drinking problem, and other bad habits I need help with." With his hands spread towards us, wanting relief from his addictions, we could feel his sincerity penetrate our spirits. We could feel his heart towards his children. We could feel his concern for their welfare.
Although he was passionate about His family, we had fear in our hearts, not knowing if the situation was right and we offered to set up an appointment of a more convenient time. We suggested a time early the next day to watch a modern day prophet speak to the whole world. He agreed, and promised to be there.
We headed home and both looked at each other and complained there was no way he would remember.
The following day early in the morning, we returned to our appointment at nine A.M. and we felt as if we were waisting our time. I mumbled to myself, "I know he won't be there". We didn't have hope for this unsober, hungover man.
With surety he would not answer, we gave it a knock, and nothing happened. We gave it a second knock having some faith he might answer the door, but nothing came. After about 3 minutes I gave it a good pound. Miraculously he opened on the last attempt, dressed to watch the general conference and talk about how he could find the hope for his life and his family! We watched all of General Conference with Him and bore our testimonies as the modern prophets did that very morning.
I learned a great life lesson. Don't ever lose hope on someone, because God wouldn't give up on me. It is because of the gospel of Jesus Christ that we all have the opportunity to find our faith, realign our life in harmony with Heavenly Fathers teachings. I know with out a doubt, God lives and loves each one of us, and wants with all of His heart, might, mind and strength everyone to return!
Never Lose hope! Never! God will never lose hope on you or on me. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen
It was growing late in the evening, close to our time to head in, and were visiting some people who were potentially interested in learning about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As we were walking to the door I noticed a man with a large Jack Daniels liquor bottle in His hand, pouring himself a cup. We knew this apartment was the correct location of the specific individual who had requested missionaries. Our confidence quickly shot down, pondering and judging the men who were behind the door to be unstable, and undoubtedly uninterested.
So with willingness and determination, we knocked and without 5 seconds a man answers the door with his cup in his hand and a big smile on his face. His name was Ron and was the one who we were looking for . He asked some questions with a slur, and found himself getting carried away in his laughter. As we carried our conversation, His roommate, John, came running in from behind him. He was a taller Asian man with a smile from ear to ear, curious, and hand signaled us into his small apartment. It was coming close to our hour and we thankfully offered another appointment.
This man and his friend surfaced many deep concerns regarding questions of their souls. John mentioned he had a wife and two beautiful children who lived far away east. A place where work was difficult to find and a decent education was in drought. He said, "I have a drinking problem, and other bad habits I need help with." With his hands spread towards us, wanting relief from his addictions, we could feel his sincerity penetrate our spirits. We could feel his heart towards his children. We could feel his concern for their welfare.
Although he was passionate about His family, we had fear in our hearts, not knowing if the situation was right and we offered to set up an appointment of a more convenient time. We suggested a time early the next day to watch a modern day prophet speak to the whole world. He agreed, and promised to be there.
We headed home and both looked at each other and complained there was no way he would remember.
The following day early in the morning, we returned to our appointment at nine A.M. and we felt as if we were waisting our time. I mumbled to myself, "I know he won't be there". We didn't have hope for this unsober, hungover man.
With surety he would not answer, we gave it a knock, and nothing happened. We gave it a second knock having some faith he might answer the door, but nothing came. After about 3 minutes I gave it a good pound. Miraculously he opened on the last attempt, dressed to watch the general conference and talk about how he could find the hope for his life and his family! We watched all of General Conference with Him and bore our testimonies as the modern prophets did that very morning.
I learned a great life lesson. Don't ever lose hope on someone, because God wouldn't give up on me. It is because of the gospel of Jesus Christ that we all have the opportunity to find our faith, realign our life in harmony with Heavenly Fathers teachings. I know with out a doubt, God lives and loves each one of us, and wants with all of His heart, might, mind and strength everyone to return!
Never Lose hope! Never! God will never lose hope on you or on me. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen
Monday, August 8, 2011
Take Upon You the Name of Christ
Dear Elders and Sisters,
To start off my letter let me share with you a piece of an Liahona article my mother sent to me this last week. It has forever made an impression on my heart and the work of the Lord in my mission. As I opened my letter my mother wrote a small note telling me she loved me and maybe this article would help another missionary! It was written by Jacob F. Frandsen;
"A few weeks into my mission, I began to feel lonely and a bit homesick. I loved being a missionary, but the work was much harder than I had anticipated. I missed my friends, my family, and all the familiar things I’d left back home. During my personal study one morning, I sat quietly, turning my missionary name tag over and over in my hands, thinking about how I longed for familiarity. I wished I could just hear somebody call me by my first name.
"As I looked at my name tag, I noticed that although my first name was absent from the tag, I saw my family name, the name of the Church, and the name of the Savior printed on it. Suddenly I recognized something that changed both my outlook and my attitude. I realized that as a missionary I wasn’t there to represent myself. Instead I was serving to represent my family back home and, most important, I was representing my Savior and His Church. I put the name tag on my shirt pocket, right over my heart. As I did so, I promised my Savior that I would more fully give Him a place in my heart and mind.
"I didn’t miss hearing my first name after that morning. From then on I worked and served the best I could, proudly wearing my name tag every day. During the times I began to feel discouraged, I looked at my name tag, and it reminded me of my responsibility to follow Jesus Christ’s example."
I remember my first couple of weeks, even months serving as a new missionary, being worried, and not knowing what I needed to do. Although those hardships, struggles and weaknesses at times took a toll on myself, I know it moved me to the place I needed to be. Jesus Christ will put times in our lives of pressure, stress, weakness and falling, for us to learn and grow. Our missions aren't easy or in other words; "the mission doesn't come with an easy button", we all struggle with something, but our weaknesses can and will become strengths if we direct our course to our Lord and Savior (Ether 12:27).
Take a moment in the next week or so to grip your tag in your hands and ponder the reasons you are here (Write them down) ! Just as Brother Frandsen did ponder why your first name isn't on your tag, why your family name is there, and how you represent the Lord our Master. Think about your family, not only the family that you have now, but your future family! Are you the missionary they would expect? Are you becoming who they need? A responsible father or mother? Do you always give your sacrifice to the Lord and strive to be better? Answer these questions in your journal and write your feelings.
Elder Quentin L. Cook
"Missionary work is not just one of the 88 keys on a piano that is occasionally played; it is a major chord in a compelling melody that needs to be played continuously throughout our lives if we are to remain in harmony with our commitment to the gospel of Jesus Christ."
One observation I have noticed on my mission, when there is a vision in mind your work will move upward and onward! On the Preach My Gospel DvD District 2, episode 3 all of the missionaries in this particular episode are real. Real with their challenges, real with their investigators, real with their success. They love their missions. I believe their happiness started with some kind of vision of who they wanted to be and what they would do to accomplish the goals they've set. "Set goals and make plans". We must have a vision of our people preparing themselves for baptism, temple work, and eternal families.
"The reality is we are changing lives. We are messengers of truth. We are spiritual guides here to guide our brothers and sisters on their journey back to our loving Heavenly Father. Please do not be the contributor to the "uniqueness" of your area. Do not let your attitude be what slows the work. Do not allow feelings of self-pity, or a lack of investment to burden you down. Repent, and 'Bloom wherever you are planted!' "
Take the name of Christ and bolt it, wire it, weld it and leave it right next to your hearts forever! WE ARE FOREVER MISSIONARIES! Teach people the message of truth that will reach every clime, visit ever nation, and voice every ear. Proclaim glad tidings of great joy! Reach out in love to invite all to follow Jesus Christ our Eternal Messiah who is and will be forever and ever our Savior. I invite all of you to put on your tag and always remember the names you carry!!
I love you all so much,
My love,
Elder Wright
To start off my letter let me share with you a piece of an Liahona article my mother sent to me this last week. It has forever made an impression on my heart and the work of the Lord in my mission. As I opened my letter my mother wrote a small note telling me she loved me and maybe this article would help another missionary! It was written by Jacob F. Frandsen;
"A few weeks into my mission, I began to feel lonely and a bit homesick. I loved being a missionary, but the work was much harder than I had anticipated. I missed my friends, my family, and all the familiar things I’d left back home. During my personal study one morning, I sat quietly, turning my missionary name tag over and over in my hands, thinking about how I longed for familiarity. I wished I could just hear somebody call me by my first name.
"As I looked at my name tag, I noticed that although my first name was absent from the tag, I saw my family name, the name of the Church, and the name of the Savior printed on it. Suddenly I recognized something that changed both my outlook and my attitude. I realized that as a missionary I wasn’t there to represent myself. Instead I was serving to represent my family back home and, most important, I was representing my Savior and His Church. I put the name tag on my shirt pocket, right over my heart. As I did so, I promised my Savior that I would more fully give Him a place in my heart and mind.
"I didn’t miss hearing my first name after that morning. From then on I worked and served the best I could, proudly wearing my name tag every day. During the times I began to feel discouraged, I looked at my name tag, and it reminded me of my responsibility to follow Jesus Christ’s example."
I remember my first couple of weeks, even months serving as a new missionary, being worried, and not knowing what I needed to do. Although those hardships, struggles and weaknesses at times took a toll on myself, I know it moved me to the place I needed to be. Jesus Christ will put times in our lives of pressure, stress, weakness and falling, for us to learn and grow. Our missions aren't easy or in other words; "the mission doesn't come with an easy button", we all struggle with something, but our weaknesses can and will become strengths if we direct our course to our Lord and Savior (Ether 12:27).
Take a moment in the next week or so to grip your tag in your hands and ponder the reasons you are here (Write them down) ! Just as Brother Frandsen did ponder why your first name isn't on your tag, why your family name is there, and how you represent the Lord our Master. Think about your family, not only the family that you have now, but your future family! Are you the missionary they would expect? Are you becoming who they need? A responsible father or mother? Do you always give your sacrifice to the Lord and strive to be better? Answer these questions in your journal and write your feelings.
Elder Quentin L. Cook
"Missionary work is not just one of the 88 keys on a piano that is occasionally played; it is a major chord in a compelling melody that needs to be played continuously throughout our lives if we are to remain in harmony with our commitment to the gospel of Jesus Christ."
One observation I have noticed on my mission, when there is a vision in mind your work will move upward and onward! On the Preach My Gospel DvD District 2, episode 3 all of the missionaries in this particular episode are real. Real with their challenges, real with their investigators, real with their success. They love their missions. I believe their happiness started with some kind of vision of who they wanted to be and what they would do to accomplish the goals they've set. "Set goals and make plans". We must have a vision of our people preparing themselves for baptism, temple work, and eternal families.
"The reality is we are changing lives. We are messengers of truth. We are spiritual guides here to guide our brothers and sisters on their journey back to our loving Heavenly Father. Please do not be the contributor to the "uniqueness" of your area. Do not let your attitude be what slows the work. Do not allow feelings of self-pity, or a lack of investment to burden you down. Repent, and 'Bloom wherever you are planted!' "
Take the name of Christ and bolt it, wire it, weld it and leave it right next to your hearts forever! WE ARE FOREVER MISSIONARIES! Teach people the message of truth that will reach every clime, visit ever nation, and voice every ear. Proclaim glad tidings of great joy! Reach out in love to invite all to follow Jesus Christ our Eternal Messiah who is and will be forever and ever our Savior. I invite all of you to put on your tag and always remember the names you carry!!
I love you all so much,
My love,
Elder Wright
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Dear Dad,
Remember all the times you would spend untangling my fishing line? I bet you felt hopeless as I wanted to do it all myself and just catch some fish. I hope you know I all I wanted was to be like you and catch as many big fish as you!! You would sacrifice all your time instead of fishing by your own, but fixing me so I could fish.
Remember all the times you would spend untangling my fishing line? I bet you felt hopeless as I wanted to do it all myself and just catch some fish. I hope you know I all I wanted was to be like you and catch as many big fish as you!! You would sacrifice all your time instead of fishing by your own, but fixing me so I could fish.
Do you remember the hunting trips we would go on and I was usually scared because of the dark or of uncertainty in the wilderness. You took your time with me and showed me the way. You taught me how to prepare a first aid kit, light in the dark kit, and how to survive in the outdoors. I bet you felt lost when I just wanted to go home, but you kept me out in the deep, steep mountains. It was refreshing to know you just wanted me to enjoy it.
Remember the nights we would spend working on the boats together preparing them to go out into the thick marshes!! I cannot forget. I was so stubborn when I was working on my own boat ---"I want it how I want it dad". But I cannot forget your loving words-- "If you don't do it how I told you, . . . It won't work!!" Usually I found out the hard way!
Do you remember all the times I watched you pray at night and consistently read and study your scriptures? Do you remember when I would ponder your prayers at dinner?
Do you remember how I was inspired to be a better person because of your example?
Do you remember when I peeked around the corner of your room as your kneeled and prayed?
Do you remember you would always take your concerns to God and discuss them with me?
Do you remember every sunday you would prepare your lesson for Sunday School?
Do you remember when you taught me how to believe in myself and know God knew I could be a better person?
I hope you know I do remember. Every time I think about those close occasions I know I need to be the person you are today. Thank you so much for your example to not only me, but my older brothers. Dad you truly have changed my life and set the example of living, by loving me and being the Father who our Savior knows you can be. I would hazard a guess you thought I was a lost cause at times, but I want you to know I watched more closely than you thought.
I know our Father in Heaven is the same way with his children. He loves us and wants the best for us. This life can bring trials and challenges, but as we take those steps and follow the counsel which is given to us by our Savior and His Servants the Prophets we will find success. I know His love his shown through many ways, and a great earthly father is one of them.
I love you Dad more than you know. You are my best friend. Have a great fathers day.
Your son on a mission,
Elder Cameron Wright
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
As I have been pondering these past few weeks there are two principles that cross my mind. FAITH and TRUST! We teach these two principles everyday as we invite our brothers and sisters to follow Jesus Christ and learn more about the restored gospel. What a fantastic message we share to all those who will receive it!! What more could you give to someone who needs this embracing news?!! I love this great news, Christ changes my life everyday. How does Christ Change your life everyday?
I often ask myself; is my sacrifice good enough for him Who gave all? Is this all I can do? Can I do more?
There is always more we can be doing, but we must be able to recognize our own potential and where we are currently standing. This is why we self evaluate and set goals. We set goals to always have increase spiritually, physically, mentally, or in our day to day work. It all comes back to "how can we become more like the Savior?"
I have the feeling many of us get caught up in the"end result." There is much more success to be had than that of what the world may see as "success" or "popular''. We all know the pearl of great price in not found at the end of our journey but during. Although it may be hard to see, we must see afar of and TRUST in the Lord. The Pearl is found through our trials, struggles, and difficulties. Elder Todd D. Christofferson told us of a story given by President Hugh B. Brown years ago about grooming a currant bush.
". . . he came across a currant bush that had grown over six feet (1.8 m) high and was yielding no berries, so he pruned it back drastically, leaving only small stumps. Then he saw a drop like a tear on the top of each of these little stumps, as if the currant bush were crying, and thought he heard it say:
“How could you do this to me? I was making such wonderful growth. … And now you have cut me down. Every plant in the garden will look down on me. … How could you do this to me? I thought you were the gardener here.”
President Brown replied, “Look, little currant bush, I am the gardener here, and I know what I want you to be. I didn’t intend you to be a fruit tree or a shade tree. I want you to be a currant bush, and someday, little currant bush, when you are laden with fruit, you are going to say, ‘Thank you, Mr. Gardener, for loving me enough to cut me down.’
There are times in our lives when we become overgrown and the Lord will prune his vineyard to bring about the salvation of many. Indeed it may hurt, as President Brown mentioned, but the Lord knows all. He sees afar off and knows. Let us Trust in the Lord and His tender mercies, Let us work as valiant and hard as we can. Don't be discouraged, but put your faith in Him to help you in your work. You are successful missionaries as you push, set goals, and strive to accomplish the means which the Lord has instore for you. The "end result" is your FAITH and TRUST in Jesus Christ. He will make you who you need to become. Remember the words of Nephi;

I, Nephi was desirous also that might see, and hear, and know of these things. . . . For he that diligently seeketh shall find; and the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto them, by the power of the Holy Ghost . . ."
As we diligently seek our Savior, "doing all we can do" for our brothers and sisters, the Lord will provide. It is His promise!! I know these things to be true, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Your Brother and fellow missionary,
Elder Cameron Wright
Sunday, May 8, 2011

My mother was true and faithful, never giving up sight on what really mattered. I will forever remember the nights when coming home late after a night of "fun" and walking silently into the house thinking "they won't hear me", but always knowing mom was awake and never was I going to get past her. For some reason She always "knew" what was going on, whether good or bad. Fortunately, I knew and felt my mothers love and I could always sit down and talk with her about anything in my world, even if it wasn't something she wanted to hear.
Those nights walking into our home I was commissioned to always report my night to mom. Immediately when entering the door I would quickly take off my shoes and head straight to moms room to let her know I was home. 99.9 percent of the time the T.V. was on and she sitting up in her bed looking at me and waiting for the information about my night. But it was much more than just "reporting", but talking with discussion how I was doing.
I feel like one of the sons of Lehi from the Book of Mormon returning from the Land of Jerusalem after much tribulation and affliction and Sariah being worried about her sons.
"after we had come down into the wilderness unto our father, behold, he was filled with joy, and also my mother, Sariah, was exceedingly glad, for she truly had mourned because of us.
"For she had supposed that we had perished in the wilderness; " (1 NEPHI 5:1-2)

My mother sacrificed the world for me by helping me and never giving up on me. She could see afar off and trusted in the Lords blessings.
Although there were times in my life when I wasn't being who I was expected to be, and Mom never failed in trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ that He would take care of me. She did all she could do to help me, and then give the rest to God. She gave her whole life, her goals, her vision to raise me and my four older brothers. Quit was not in her dictionary. I thank her, I commend her, and I love her. I will do all I can to support, honor and be the son she hopes and believes I am. I am thankful for you mom. I love you with all of Heart.
Love your Son,
Elder Cameron Wright
Friday, May 6, 2011
4 Tools for Overcoming Any Challenge
It's once again my privelege to be able to write a little blog post on here today. It was my opportunity a few weeks ago to do a cameo on Elder Bevan's blog where I wrote about General Conference and the need to study the addresses that have been given to us over the years because they are scripture. Today, I want to thank Elder Wright for giving me this chance to talk a little bit more about a somewhat related subject; maybe sort of an expansion of what I was talking about last time.

When faced with our challenges, it is often difficult to remember that God really does love us and that he really wants the best for us. A question often asked by those plagued with difficulty is "Why me?" It is only natural to react this way initially. But there is a better way to face our trials. Instead, ask yourself something like "What can I learn from this experience?" or "How will I work to overcome this challenge?" Analyzing our problems and challenges like this will help us to have a much more positive approach to everything that comes to us in life, no matter how great or small the predicament in which we find ourselves. And the Lord Himself has always provided us with ways to overcome anything that burdens us.
The gospel of Jesus Christ and His commandments provide many solutions for overcoming life's daily struggles and greatest trials. I wish to mention four in particular:1. Daily personal and family scripture study
The scriptures can be a powerful source of strength for us as individuals and families. The prophet Nephi in the Book of Mormon extends to us a wonderful promise related to the scriptures. "...Wherefore, I said unto you, feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do" (2 Nephi 32:3). How about that for a promise? Not sure what to do about something? Feast upon the words of Christ! They'll tell everything you need to know! But it gets better.
2. Following the inspiration of the Holy Ghost
The Holy Ghost is a being of spirit. He, unlike our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, does not have a body of flesh and bone. But being how he is gives him a wonderful power. His presence and influence can be felt simultaneously in multiple locations. His presence is manifest in two different ways: (1) the power of the Holy Ghost and (2) the gift of the Holy Ghost. The power of the Holy Ghost can be felt by anyone that is not yet baptized by priesthood authority. The gift of the Holy Ghost is conferred upon those who have taken upon them the covenant of baptism. When we receive this gift of the Holy Ghost, we are promised that he will be our constant companion, as long as we keep ourselves worthy and in places where he can follow us. Remember Nephi's promise about the words of Christ? He gives us a strikingly similar promise two verses later. "For behold, again I say unto you that if ye will enter in by the way, and receive the Holy Ghost, it will show unto you all things what ye should do" (2 Nephi 32:5). Still not sure what to do about something? Listen to what the Holy Ghost tells you! He'll show you everything you need to know! So with the combination of the words of Christ (scriptures) and the guidance of the Holy Ghost, we will be shown and told all things what we should do! It's not really leaving anything out, is it? But let's keep going. There's more.
3. PrayerSome people may get to this point and say that all of this talk about scriptures and the Holy Ghost is all fine and good, but oftentimes we don't understand what we read, or we don't know what the Holy Ghost actually feels like, or even how to receive his guidance in the first place. Our Father in Heaven has given us prayer as a means of verbal communication with Him so that we can express our thoughts and feelings about everything that is going on in our lives. True, He does know everything that goes on with us daily and He knows our thoughts, but He has asked that we pray to Him in faith to seek His will concerning us. And if we trust Him, that will will be made manifest unto us, somehow or by some way. Prayer is where we can ask the questions that we need answers to, ask for help with our difficulties, and express gratitude for the multitude of blessings that we have already received. Prayer is a good tool to use to clear up our doubts and fears. It is a source of strength and spiritual renewal.
4. Faithful church attendance
Being in church among people with great faith and their own share of trials and difficulties is another great source of strength. There's strength in numbers, right? We're not meant to toil and labor during our days here on Earth just by ourselves. We're surrounded by people who are more than willing to reach out and help us! In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we believe in serving one another and lifting up those who are weighed down by difficulty and sadness. When we are faced with seemingly insurmountable trials, we need not withdraw into ourselves. There are many willing to help. The doctrines and principles of the gospel taught by inspired teachers and leaders bring comfort and guidance. Let these comforting messages fill your life and give you hope for the future.
I want to conclude by sharing my testimony that Heavenly Father does indeed love us. He has not left us here on the earth to struggle helplessly. He would never do that. It is not part of the plan! He has provided numerous resources, many beyond those I have named and described, to provide us with joy that can last throughout the duration of our lives and on into eternity. Our Savior Jesus Christ has sacrificed Himself, as a perfect man, so that all of us can receive exaltation and eternal life. He loves us and understands everything that we suffer because He has already suffered it. I repeat what I said earlier. There is no obstacle that cannot be overcome. Christ has made it possible. Seek after Him. Seek after His words. They will bring you the comfort and guidance that you seek.
-Elder Caleb Condie
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